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Varied illustration styles to suite your requirements,

in pencil, pen and ink, gouache, digital - Photoshop and Illustrator.

Stuart Trotter Illustration

Rockpool Children's Books - Stuart Trotter - Publisher & Creative Director

Rockpool Children’s Books, now established in the North East of England, are delighted to announce their publishing partnership with Albury Books.
Albury Books is a subsidiary of Imago, a global leader in the provision of print and production

services to the publishing industry for over 35 years.
Through Albury Books’ streamlined Print-On-Demand publishing platform,

the Albury BookShelf, Rockpool Children’s Books are able to keep all of their extensive list available

and in print, whilst retaining access to a host of more advanced print options

and a global market-place.
This means that we have more time to focus on what we love - developing quality, inspiring, well-designed children’s books in all formats, richly diverse in both stories and illustration that can be enjoyed by children of all ages. 

Rockpool Albury Bookshelf

Great stories, great pictures, great books!
Rockpool Catalogue 2017
All of Rockpool Children's Books are available in the
Rockpool Albury Bookshop. Print on demand, quality
picture books, ordered through a simple purchasing
process and delivered to you door in about a week!
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